The Aesthetic Appeal of Granite and Quartz Countertops

Granite countertops Denver Home


Deciding on the right types of countertops for your kitchen and bathroom can be a confusing task even at the best of times. From sandstone and wood to the acclaimed granite countertops Denver shops sell that have dominated the past few years, there are a lot of popular choices to consider. In the meantime, quartz countertops have become more popular as well, since their unique manufacturing process makes them ideally suited for highly customized applications.


In terms of their aesthetic appeal, granite and quartz are currently almost equal. Some might consider quartz to have a bit of an edge, since the material is typically manufactured rather than found naturally and polished. Granite is natural stone, so the styling options – while always unique – are somewhat limited especially when it comes to color and high/low contrast solutions. Quartz has no such limitations, and its unique aesthetic and even artistic value can be greatly increased by simply adding some pigments during the manufacturing process.


Whether you’re looking for the natural appeal of granite, or you want a uniquely designed and precisely crafted quartz countertop that will reflect your vision perfectly, both options are pretty amazing. You’ll find that the popularity of granite and quartz countertops will just keep growing over time, and they aren’t likely to drop out of it any time soon.